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Could cities be next to opt out of emergency orders?

Counties can now opt out of the governor's emergency health orders. Could cities be next? Lawmakers want to explore the possibility of allowing cities to opt...

Senate Districts: Where the abortion amendment won and lost

While senators are not up for reelection until 2024, here's a look at how the constitutional amendment on abortion performed in each of the...

UPDATED: Grissom suspends campaign for U.S. Senate

(Updated to recast lead and restructure story with edits throughout) Democrats appeared to be unifying behind state Sen. Barbara Bollier in the race for the...

Moran rescued from Arizona mountain after injury

Republican U.S. Sen Jerry Moran injured his ankle on Thursday morning while hiking on Camelback Mountain in Arizona, according to various media reports. Fox News...

Young voters, women influence abortion amendment vote, data show

(Editors note: Some of the data in this article is incomplete because a handful of smaller counties - Gove, Greenwood, Linn, Meade, Sheridan, Sherman,...

Saturday morning news roundup: What you may have missed but need to know

Good morning everyone: Yes, the state's attention is glued on the intense Republican gubernatorial primary between Republican Gov. Jeff Colyer and Secretary of State Kris...

UPDATED: KFL deals out legislative endorsements

(Updated to add House District 15) Kansans for Life's political action committee has rolled out its 2022 legislative endorsements. The endorsements are based on different factors,...

Kelly keeps Colyer’s budget director

Democratic Gov.-elect Laura Kelly will keep former Olathe Mayor Larry Campbell on board as state budget director. Campbell, named budget director last year by outgoing...

Legislature sends revised tax bill to governor

The Kansas Legislature is sending Gov. Laura Kelly a second tax bill that will cost about $265 million less than the legislation she vetoed...

Unemployment trust fund projected to be insolvent by January

Hit with a historic number of unemployment claims amid the coronavirus pandemic, the state's unemployment trust fund could start running into the red as...