
The Sunflower State Journal is a non-partisan, independent publication that will cover and report on the events at the Kansas capitol and elsewhere throughout the state. While other publications chase website clicks or push their political leanings, the State-Journal will offer a one-stop location for important events of the day and important political insight critical for navigating the state’s political waters. Our goal is to give you fresh information about Kansas politics with a sense of urgency through a new website www.sunflowerstatejournal.com.  The new website will give you information as it happens. No emails. No sifting through the Internet. We will aggregate the biggest news of the day from throughout Kansas and give you up-to-the minute news as it happens in the capitol. We will strive to be your first source of Kansas political news each day. Every story is important, small and not-so-small. We want to know everything. Any tips or coverage ideas? Please contact me at [email protected].