EXECUTIVE ORDER 18-10 Governor’s Education Council


Governor’s Education Council

WHEREAS, Kansas is committed to continually improving and advancing educational opportunities for all its residents, as well as finding better and more improved ways of meeting the needs of individuals, families, and communities;

WHEREAS, providing quality education is one of the best ways to promote the success and well-being of individual citizens, as well as growing the economy and cultivating a highly trained and skilled workforce;

WHEREAS, students get the most out of their education when they gain the necessary skills and knowledge to quickly enter and thrive in various career fields;

WHEREAS, an integrated approach to career preparation, beginning with early learning and continuing through post-secondary education, would benefit individuals, companies, industries, and the state as a whole;

WHEREAS, bringing together educators, leaders of the business community, and state policymakers will help to promote education which can more effectively prepare students throughout their entire educational experience to successfully enter and remain in the workforce;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Kansas, I hereby establish the Governor’s Education Council (“Council”):

1. The Governor shall appoint one representative from each of the following agencies and organizations to serve as members of the Council:
a. Governor’s Office
b. Kansas Children’s Cabinet
c. Kansas Department for Children and Families
d. Kansas Department of Labor
e. Kansas Department of Commerce
f. Kansas Association of School Boards
g. United School Administrators of Kansas
h. Kansas Association of Community College Trustees
i. Kansas Independent Colleges Association
j. Kansas Association of Independent and Religious Schools
k. Kansas Association of Technical Colleges
l. Kansas Association of Workforce Boards
m. Kansas Parent Teacher Association
n. Kansas National Education Association
o. Kansas Association of American Educators
p. United Teachers of Wichita

2. The President & CEO of the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) and the Commissioner of Education of the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) shall serve as co-chairs and ex-officio members of the Council.

3. KBOR and KSDE shall each appoint two (2) additional representatives to the Council.

4. The Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, House Majority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, House Minority Leader, and Senate Minority Leader may each appoint one (1) member to serve on the Council.

5. The Governor shall appoint 3-5 members from the business community to serve on the Council.

6. Additional members with relevant experience or qualifications may be invited to join the Council by the Governor or Chairs of the Council.

7. Members shall receive no compensation and shall serve voluntarily. Officers or employees of state agencies who are appointed to the Council as part of their duties shall be authorized to participate on the Council and may claim subsistence, allowance, mileage or associated expenses from their respective agency budgets as permitted by law.

8. The Council shall be subject to the Kansas Open Records Act and the Kansas Open Meetings Act.

9. Plans, reports, or recommendations of any nature adopted by the Council shall be considered advice to the Governor and Legislature, and shall not be construed as official policies, positions, or interpretations of laws, rules, or regulations by any department or agency of state government, nor shall any such department or agency be bound in any manner to consider such advice when conducting their advisory and regulatory affairs.

10. The Council shall:
a. Establish a vision statement and guiding principles that reflect the collaborative goals of the Council to build on successes and improve the education system in Kansas.
b. Explore methods for integrating college and workforce preparedness into K-12 learning programs that align with and compliment the work of the Kansans Can initiative of the KSDE.
c. Consider the application of public-private partnerships in developing industry specific learning goals.
d. Inventory and assess existing workforce development initiatives within the state.
e. Discuss a system for measuring effectiveness and accountability of educational opportunities beyond the common and known metrics.
f. Inform and advise the Governor on educational initiatives and policies to improve the overall success of education and workforce development in Kansas.

11. The Council shall be staffed by KSDE and KBOR along with the Executive Director of Business and Education Innovation from the Kansas Department of Commerce.

12. The Council shall meet quarterly or as often as is determined necessary by the co-chairs of the Council.

13. The Council shall submit regular reports to the Governor with an annual report submitted in December of each year during the term of the Executive Order.

This document shall be filed with the Secretary of State as Executive Order No. 18-10 and shall become effective immediately. The Council shall continue until such time as the Governor deems it no longer necessary and rescinds it by issuance of an executive order.