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Bill would bar employer-mandated vaccines

Kansas has already had the debate over masks. Now, it's about to have a debate over vaccines and how far employers should go to protect...

Kelly questions need for employer vaccine bill

Gov. Laura Kelly questions the need for a law that would bar employers from punishing employees if they don’t get vaccinated. "It is a solution...

Emergency law clears Senate; process urged to slow

The Kansas Senate passed legislation Monday remaking the state's emergency management law although regional planners in Kansas City warned that the Legislature should approach...

Report reveals Medicaid benefits for the dead since ’15

The state paid out more than $1 million on behalf of dead KanCare benificiaries to companies that manage the state's Medicaid program. A recent report...

UPDATED: Bill gives counties ability to depart from vaccine schedule

(Updated to include governor's reaction from afternoon news conference) The chairman of the Senate health committee on Wednesday introduced a bill allowing counties to depart...

Medical community pushes back against vaccine limits

The medical community on Monday came out against a bill barring the state health secretary from requiring new vaccines for day care centers and...

Legal immunities added to vaccine bill

A Senate committee on Thursday crafted a new vaccination bill that establishes broad new legal immunities for anyone without a vaccination in the workplace...

Broad coalition unifies against vaccine bill

(Developing: Will be updated as warranted) Almost 30 business, medical and social welfare groups covering the political spectrum are urging lawmakers to reject a bill...

House passes resolution opposing mask mandate

The House late Tuesday sent a strong message to Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly, calling on legislative leadership to reject any mask mandate the governor...

Kansas Senate passes resolution opposing mask mandate

The Kansas Senate Wednesday night passed a resolution calling on legislative leadership to revoke any mask mandate that Gov. Laura Kelly plans to reissue...