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How the census shaped legislative districts

Aside from the redrawing of the state's congressional districts, the Legislature will have to draw new election boundaries for House and Senate districts. The target...

Parker withdraws from leadership race

Democratic state Rep. Brett Parker late Tuesday pulled out of the race for assistant House minority leader, and threw his support to Rep. Jason...

Coleman reaches settlement in protective order case

Incoming state Rep. Aaron Coleman said Thursday that an effort to secure a permanent  protective order against him for harassment has been dismissed. Coleman said...

UPDATED: Lawmakers adjusting for pandemic session

(Updated to include concerns expressed by Democratic lawmakers) No, Kansas legislators will not convene in an arena or a ballpark. They also won't work out of...

Ryckman introduces committee lineup

House Speaker Ron Ryckman Jr. unveiled the new committee appointments early Thursday evening. Lots to evaluate here. But we'll start by giving you what we...

New House redistricting plan revealed

A new set of House district maps unveiled Friday places Republican Reps. Tatum Lee and Jim Minnix in the same House District while separating...

Legislation targets overzealous homeowners associations

The Kansas Legislature is looking for ways to empower homeowners angry with their persnickety homes association if they think their state rights have been...

UPDATED: Jennings dies at 66

(Updated to include reaction from the governor, legislators and longtime friend) Republican state Rep. Russ Jennings, one of the last leading moderates in the Kansas...

Gadsden flag plate draws heat in Senate

A proposal authorizing the Gadsden flag on Kansas license plates — known for its coiled snake and "Don't Tread on Me" motto — survived...

Lawmakers hash out budget differences: A roundup on tentative agreements

Senate and House budget negotiators got down to work late Monday as they hashed out more than 200 differences between the budgets each chamber...