Friday, February 14, 2025
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Lawmakers seek options for potential budget cuts

Lawmakers are directing state agencies to lay out possible budget cuts for fiscal year 2026 as they map out a budget in the coming...

Property tax cuts dominate headlines, but single tax rate still looming issue

No sooner than the Legislature approved tax cuts last session, Republican leaders immediately turned their attention to unfinished business. “Not enough was done on property...

Lawmakers call for spending limits facing new revenue forecast

Key lawmakers are sounding a cautionary theme about state government spending as they prepare to take up new tax cuts in the upcoming legislative...

New state revenue forecasts show eroding ending balance

New revenue forecasts presented a stable financial outlook for the state, although they reflect a gradual erosion of the state's ending balance following tax...

Lawmakers create new committee to craft budget

Leading lawmakers on Wednesday created a special new committee that will prepare a budget ahead of the upcoming legislative session as part of a...

KBI seeking $93 million for new headquarters

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation is seeking an estimated $93 million in state funding for a new headquarters, replacing a building that is now...

Lawmakers forge ahead with plans to write budget

Lawmakers are moving ahead with plans to develop their own budget, starting with an enhanced budget committee that could start meeting as early as...

Lawmakers take aim at budget provisos

Lawmakers are vowing to get tough with last-minute budget amendments - known as provisos - that are added as the state spending plan nears...

Kelly signs tax cuts into law; Republicans not giving up on property taxes

Gov. Laura Kelly on Friday signed a bill into law that will cut taxes by about $1.2 billion over the next three years that...

Legislature passes compromise tax bill that governor will sign

The Kansas Legislature on Tuesday voted to pass a compromise tax bill that will provide an estimated $1.2 billion in tax cuts over three...